Wednesday, May 14

Ear Infection

I felt so weak lately. I was down with heavy flu these few days. This causes me headaches which don't seem to be cured. I couldn't sleep at night due to the heavy nose block. When I woke up this morning, worse still, my inner right ear was painful.

I was worried. I feel pain in the ear even when I burp. I have no choice but to skip my yoga lesson and headed straight to the clinic. Yes, I have ear infection due to the swelling throat. I was prescribed with antibiotics again. This is the second time since last week. I am always infected with sore throat. =(

Hope that it cures this time. I really don't want to go for the ear specialist as he may insert a tube right into my nose to check my inner ear. That was what I heard from a friend who has gone through this before. No....please.....don't let me suffer like this!

1 comment:

Mommy to Chumsy said...

sorry to hear about that. speedy recovery to you. drink lots of water, rub vicks and take manuka honey :D